5 January 1919 The Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, DAP (German Workers’ Party), is founded in Munich by Anton Drexler and members of a nationalist-racist society (Thule Gesellschaft). 12 September 1919 Hitler joins the DAP. February 1920 The DAP is renamed to Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). 29 July 1921 After threatening once more to leave the party, Hitler is voted First Chairman with special powers. 29–31 January 1922 Party conference of the NSDAP in Munich, approx. 6,000 members. May 1923 Formation of Hitler’s Stoßtrupp, precursor of the SS. 8–9 November 1923 Failed Hitler Putsch in Munich. In its wake the NSDAP (approx. 55,000 members) and other extreme right-wing organizations are banned. 8 July 1925 The first volume of Hitler’s Mein Kampf is published. 3–4 July 1926 Second NSDAP-party conference in Weimar, founding of the Hitler Youth. 5 May 1927 The NSDAP is banned in Berlin and other Prussian cities (until 31 March 1928). 20 May 1928 Reichstag elections, the NSDAP receives 2.6 % of the vote. 25 October 1929 »Black Friday,« Wall Street Crash, the beginning of the worldwide Great Depression. 14 September 1930 Reichstag elections, spectacular success for the NSDAP (18.3 %, 107 seats). 13 July 1931 Many banks and firms are insolvent, climax of the world economic crisis in Germany. February 1932 Unemployment numbers in Germany reach a peak: 6,128,000. 31 July 1932 Reichstag elections, with 36.9 % NSDAP by far the strongest party. 13 August 1932 Hitler rejects Hindenburg’s offer to become vice-chancellor, NSDAP demands leadership in government. 30 January 1933 Hitler appointed Reich chancellor, coalition government of NSDAP, DNVP (German National People’s Party), and Stahlhelm (Steel Helmet, League of Frontline Soldiers). 1 February 1933 Dissolution of the Reichstag, new elections called for 5 March 1933. Hitler wants the absolute majority and a »legal« way to destroy the constitution. February–March 1933 Countless cases of violence by members of the NSDAP and the SA (Stormtroops) against individual Jews and Jewish businesses. 12 March 1933 The Nazi swastika flag becomes the flag of the Reich. 23 March 1933 Enabling Act to abolish parliamentary democracy. 14 July 1933 New law on political parties. The monopoly of the NSDAP is legalized and the parliament finally abolished. 20 June 1934 All concentration camps put under the command of Reich SS Leader Himmler. 1 March 1935 The Saar Region is reintegrated into the German Reich. 15 September 1935 »Nuremberg Laws:« Reich Citizenship Law, depriving German Jews of all civil rights; »Law protecting German Blood« forbids marriage and extramarital relations between Jews and Germans of »pure blood.« 3 October 1935 Italy invades Abyssinia. 7 March 1936 German troops march into the demilitarized Rhineland, thus violating the Versailles Treaty. 11 July 1936 Austro-German agreement on the reestablishment of friendly relations, depend-ence of Austria on Germany in foreign affairs. 1 November 1936 Mussolini announces the »Berlin-Rome Axis« in Milan. 12 February 1938 Agreement between Hitler and Austrian Federal Chancellor Schuschnigg.