On 5 March 1941 a deportation transport left Vienna Aspang Station with 999 Jewish men, women and children on board. The tranport's destination was Modliborzyce in Janow Lubelski, Lublin district. In this small town's Jewish quarter a ghetto had been set up into which, apart from the original inhabitants, deportees from other parts of Poland and from the Reich were settled. Some of the deportees were placed with Jews living in the surrounding villages. The greater part of them was housed with Jews already resident in Modliborzyce, a smaller part was put in mass accommodation, as had for example been set up in a synagogue. The conditions of life in the ghetto were difficult from the beginning, even if they were not comparable with those of later transports. A number of men capable of work was taken to Lysakow and Jenisow labor camps, and those who remained behind in the ghetto tried to survive by selling the very last things they had owned. Apart from malnutrition and disease the behaviour of the SS and the German police, whose regular excursions into the ghetto according to witnesses' reports repeatedly cost human lives, contributed to the high mortality rate. On 8 October 1942 the inmates were taken to Zaklikow station near Modliborzyce, and deported to an extermination camp of »Aktion Reinhard«, while old people and invalids were according to witnesses' reports murdered right then and there. Of the 999 Austrian Jews only 13 are known to have survived.