Persecution of Jews
The »Anschluss Pogrom«
The »Aryanizations«
The Expulsion
November Pogrom
Until the Onset of the Deportations
# Robbery of the Last Belongings
Jewish Community

The looting of the Jewish population continued also after the onset of the war. For instance, all radio sets still owned by Jews were confiscated in 1939. In 1941 all Jews had to turn in their typing machines, calculators, copying machines, bycicles, cameras, and binoculars, in winter of 1942 their furs and wool garments as well as their skis, ski boots, and climbing boots, and in June 1942 all electric appliances (such as, for instance, electric heaters, parabolic heaters, cooking pots, hot plates, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, irons, phonographs, and records).

In 1939 the Gestapo Vienna founded an administrative center, the »Vugesta« (also »Vugestap« [Office for the Disposal of the Property of Jewish Emigrants]), which was in charge of selling the refugees’ confiscated property. The confiscated objects were offered at bargain prices to a select public at the Vienna Fair Grounds, in the Sophiensäle (Sophie Halls), and at other small venues. The most exquisite items had usually been »purchased« already prior to these sales events by high-ranking state- and party offcials or had been bought at an auction at the Dorotheum Auction House, Vienna.

With the onset of the deportations to the ghettos and extermination camps, »Vugesta« confiscated and sold also property left behind by the victims (furniture, linen, etc.).



Robbery of the Last Belongings