Persecution of Jews
The »Anschluss Pogrom«
# The »Aryanizations«
The Expulsion
November Pogrom
Until the Onset of the Deportations
Robbery of the Last Belongings
Jewish Community

Immediately following the »Anschluss«, numerous National Socialists as well as sycophants and sympathizers of the NS-regime used the opportunity for personal gain: as »trustees« they took over Jewish businesses and enterprises. During the first weeks after the »Anschluss« the total number of these »trustees« amounted to approximately 25,000. Many of them ruined the businesses since they were lacking the necessary professional qualifications.

As a result of the out-of-control lootings and Aryanizations, the NS-state missed out on considerable assets. »Legal« measures as well as the establishment of a special Jewish Property Declaration Office (Vermögensverkehrsstelle) were expect-ed to assure a controlled and »legal de-jewification« of the Austrian economy and avert further »wild Aryanizations.«


Call for a sales boycott, summer 1938
» click see larger image

Call for a sales boycott, summer 1938.

Café »Schlössl« Julius Bokor
Maria Bokor

The »Aryanizations«